Save jq_effects_lab.html to your computer.
The content of this page is a partial list of the core/main jQuery "actions". You will script this page so that:
- Add a click trigger (with on) to the instructionslink that causes a fadeToggle of the instructions div.
- When the page load hide all dd objects.
- Add a mouseover onto all dt objects that does a toggleclass on this for the highlight class.
- Go through one specific ID pairs, such as #dtaddclass and #ddaddclass and add a "click" to the dt, that does a toggle or slideToggle on the corresponding dd.
- Take another pair and do a toggle().
- Got through the remaining pairs and use any of the above (so that all pairs have scripting).
- At the top of the page create text or buttons that say Show All and Hide All and script them to change all dd objects accordingly.
- Finally, use jQuery to set the instructions div to be hidden by default.